In the media
My work has been covered widely in the mainstream media, both in the UK and further afield. See below for articles that I've written, articles that others have written about my work, and radio, podcast and video appearances.
Articles written by me
Stop panicking over teens and social media (Wall Street Journal)
Why we should take teenage love more seriously (Guardian)
I’m an expert on adolescence: here’s why a smartphone ban isn’t the answer, and what we should do instead (Guardian)
What condom negotiation can teach us about adolescence itself (The Psychologist)
The adolescent mental health mess (Medium)
I’m a psychologist with a history of anxiety. Treating it as a permanent problem might make young people feel worse (Guardian)
What if we’re talking about teens’ mental health too much? (STAT News)
Do mental health awareness events reduce mental health problems? We don’t know but we must find out (UCL)
Mental health awareness—time to refocus (The Psychologist)
UK schools are teaching teenagers about mental health in the wrong way (New Scientist)
What we’re getting wrong in the conversation about mental health (Guardian)
Covid’s ‘lost generation’ may be more resilient than we think (Guardian)
Why it’s so important we believe people about their mental health (New Scientist)
The big idea: Is it your personality, or a disorder? (Guardian)
How bad is social media really for our mental health? (Penguin Features)
Articles about my work
The psychologist who says no, our teens aren’t all harmed by social media (The Times)
Are we talking too much about mental health? (New York Times)
Not everyone needs to go to therapy (The Atlantic)
Has mental health awareness gone awry? An interview with Lucy Foulkes (Profectus)
Does how we talk about mental health change the way we experience it? (VICE)
‘That’s not about money, that's about basic respect and compassion’ (The Psychologist)
The best books on anxiety (Five Books)
Dr Lucy Foulkes on how mental health is misunderstood (UCL)
Mental health and the pandemic: If you feel sad, it’s probably not depression (The Times)
Let’s talk about our feelings, not label normal emotions (Irish Examiner)
Radio & podcast appearances
The Teen Mental Health Crisis and How Adolescence Shapes Us, with Lucy Foulkes and Pandora Sykes (Intelligence Squared)
Should we take teens more seriously? (BBC Radio 4 All in the Mind)
Dr Lucy Foulkes and the truth about mental illness (MQ Open Mind)
Can mental health awareness have unintended consequences? (BBC All In The Mind)
What’s going on with UK teenagers’ mental health? (Guardian Science)
Defining mental illness (BBC Radio 4’s Start the Week)
Talks & video
‘High-functioning anxiety isn’t a medical diagnosis. It’s a hashtag’ (New York Times)
What’s going wrong with mental health awareness? (Royal Institution)
The problem with mental health awareness in schools (British Academy/PESGB)